Monday, March 23, 2009


Hey people...
This is another in my list of "firsts". Its my first connection with the virtual world. I dont know who I am talking to but its about my first passion that I would like to mention here. My love for cooking..
You know I cook all the time.. When I am free I anyways cook for my son- Altamash and husband - Sadiq. When I am working its completely about food and how to make it look better than the last time... Recently finished my first book on how to garnish simple basic Indian curries at home.. That extra effort that shows how much you care for your folks around you.. The whole thought had been playing on my mind since Altamash was 3 years old. That was the first time I was forced to serve a star shaped paratha (Indian flat bread). It worked!! He ate well and all the same I enjoyed making it..
I am convinced that making food look good should not be confined to as just a job for photographers and stylists.. To me a Garnish is not just an inconsequential leaf. One needs to go beyond the aesthetics and look into enhancing the basic flavours of the dish with your garnish.. Indian Curries all have a background and history attached to their origins. Being an Indian we mostly know them.. All I did in my book was to apply those facts and created different Garnish for each of them.. It not only looks good on the dish but also adds a unique taste to the dish which can be contrasting or enhancing to the gravy.
Try this and see a new respect develop for you..
Do share it with me.. who knows the next book could become a joint venture!!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Congratulations Saba on starting this blog. I'm sure we'll get to see more of your fantastic work alongwith some interesting food facts. All the best! Looking forward to a colourful culinary tour
